English Notes Latest Questions

What literary devices are used in the poem Nothing Gold Can Stay?

What literary devices are used in the poem Nothing Gold Can Stay?

1 Answer

  1. Following literary devices are used in the poem –

    1. Imagery – Frost creates sense imagery. For example, “Nature’s first green”, “dawn goes down to day” and “leaf subsiding to leaf”
    2. Personification – It is the major device of the poem because here everything inanimate including Nature is provided with human qualities. “Nature” is personified here.
    3. Allusion – It is any kind of reference given in the work. Here, the poet alludes to the biblical Garden of Eden.
    4. Metaphor – It is a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity. Here, the description of Nature is an extended metaphor for the transience which is natural to everything we call real for us.
    5. Alliteration- It is the repetition of sound in the same line. i.e. “So dawn goes down to day.”


    1. Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay
    2. Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay

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