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  1. 1. Alliteration- The recurrence of the same starting sounds in subsequent or closely related syllables is known as alliteration. Eg. Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. 2. Metaphor- a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is usedRead more

    1. Alliteration– The recurrence of the same starting sounds in subsequent or closely related syllables is known as alliteration. Eg. Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold.

    2. Metaphor– a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them. The entire poem uses metaphors.

    nothing gold can stay summary

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  1. The poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" emphasizes how impermanent everything in life is, from vigor and charm to life itself. Nothing that is truly perfect, rare, or beautiful, or more particularly nothing that is "gold," can endure forever. In order to convey the superficial nature of life's beauty, theRead more

    The poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” emphasizes how impermanent everything in life is, from vigor and charm to life itself. Nothing that is truly perfect, rare, or beautiful, or more particularly nothing that is “gold,” can endure forever. In order to convey the superficial nature of life’s beauty, the poem artfully discusses how time affects nature.


    nothing gold can stay summary

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  1. The poem Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost consists of 8 lines which are divided into four couplets. The rhyme scheme of the poem is AABB CCDD EEFF GGHH. Read: Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay

    The poem Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost consists of 8 lines which are divided into four couplets. The rhyme scheme of the poem is AABB CCDD EEFF GGHH.


    1. Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay
    2. Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay
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  1. The line "So Eden sank to grief" contains allusion or in other words literary reference to the Biblical anecdote of Adam and Eve who were in the Paradise until they ate the fruit of  The Forbidden Tree". Read: Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay

    The line “So Eden sank to grief” contains allusion or in other words literary reference to the Biblical anecdote of Adam and Eve who were in the Paradise until they ate the fruit of  The Forbidden Tree”.


    1. Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay
    2. Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay
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  1. The poem Nothing Gold Can Stay was written in 1923 and published in the month of October of same year. Read: Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay

    The poem Nothing Gold Can Stay was written in 1923 and published in the month of October of same year.


    1. Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay
    2. Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay
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  1. "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost is a short poem having just 8 lines. The poem is about nature like most of the other poems of the poet. Read: Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay

    “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost is a short poem having just 8 lines. The poem is about nature like most of the other poems of the poet.


    1. Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay
    2. Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay
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  1. The poem’s thematic concern is universal. It talks about the very essential feature of everything we see around us. It talks of inevitable decay and change which is common to all. Read: Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay

    The poem’s thematic concern is universal. It talks about the very essential feature of everything we see around us. It talks of inevitable decay and change which is common to all.


    1. Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay
    2. Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay
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  1. It is an example of Allusion which is a literary device. It means a passing reference or mention of something from history or anywhere else. Here, it refers to the biblical Garden of Eden. Read: Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay

    It is an example of Allusion which is a literary device. It means a passing reference or mention of something from history or anywhere else. Here, it refers to the biblical Garden of Eden.


    1. Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay
    2. Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay
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  1. It is the use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse. The examples in the poem are- “her hardest hue to hold” "Dawn goes down to day” Read: Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay

    It is the use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse. The examples in the poem are-

    • “her hardest hue to hold”
    • “Dawn goes down to day”


    1. Summary of Nothing Gold Can Stay
    2. Analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay
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