English Notes Latest Questions

What is the conclusion of the poem The Spider and the Fly?

What is the conclusion of the poem The Spider and the Fly?

1 Answer

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    At the end, the poor fly meets her tragic end. On hearing the spider’s wily (cunning), flattering words, the fly comes buzzing towards the spider’s web. She could think of nothing apart from all the praises said by the spider about her brilliant eyes and her crested head. She did not even know that she is about to get inside a trap as her head is filled with all the false praises. As soon as she arrives at the web, the spider fiercely held her fast and drags her into his dismal (unfortunate) den and ends the fly’s life. This is what happens when a woman pays heeds to a man’s false enticements and fake praises. She is trapped in a spell from where she is unable to recover and hence, meets her death as in the case of the fly.

    Read summary of The Spider and the Fly

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