English Notes Latest Questions

What are the poetic devices used in the poem Rain?

What are the poetic devices used in the poem Rain?

1 Answer

    • Repetition- Repetition is a figure of speech in which emphasis is added by repeating a word or phrase many times. Phrases like “rain,” “solitude,” and “die” are used to emphasize key themes and create a sense of inevitability.
    • Personification- Personification is a figure of speech that endows an object, concept, or statement with human traits and feelings. The rain is personified as both indifferent and cleansing, while death is presented as a potential lover.
    • Imagery- Using descriptive and metaphorical language to evoke the reader’s senses is known as imagery. Vivid descriptions of the bleak hut, wild rain, and broken reeds paint a picture of isolation and sorrow.
    • Metaphor- A metaphor is a figure of speech in which two opposite objects are nonliterally compared. The speaker likens themselves to “a cold water among broken reeds,” highlighting their isolation and lack of connection.
    • Enjambment- Sentences cross lines to provide the impression of continuous emotion and thought process. The whole poem is written in a single paragraph without a break for any stanza.

    Rain Summary

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