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What are the poetic devices used in the poem Television by Roald Dahl?

What are the poetic devices used in the poem Television by Roald Dahl?

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    Poetic devices used in the poem, “Television” are:-

    1) Simile:- is used to compare directly between two different things using the words “as” or “like.” For example, in the poem, the poet compares the minds of the children to cheese when he says, “HIS BRAIN BECOMES AS SOFT AS CHEESE.”

    2) Metaphor:- is used to compare two abstract ideas. For example, in the poem the poet compares young children to be as drunk as intoxicated people when he says “Until they’re absolutely drunk.”

    3) Alliteration:- is the repetition of consonant sounds in near or adjacent words. For example, in the poem alliteration occurs when “And pirates wearing purple pants.”

    4) Consonance:- is a broader form of alliteration and is seen in the poem when the poet repeats the ‘L’ and ‘D’ sounds in “It makes a child so dull and blind.”

    5) Assonance:- is the repetition of vowel sounds. For example, in the poem, “And iits place you can install”, the “i” is being repeated.

    6) Hyperbole:- is a form of simile used to exaggerate an object. In the poem, the poem exaggerates the adverse effects of the television by saying “A dozen eyeballs on the floor.”

    Television Poem Stanza Wise Summary

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