1. Robin Klein plays with the notions of parents and children by using Amanda and her parent as an example to tickle their pride and prejudice. The parent is considered as a nagging personality by Amandas of the world when the parent tries hard to make his/her prodigy fit for the society, health and hyRead more

    Robin Klein plays with the notions of parents and children by using Amanda and her parent as an example to tickle their pride and prejudice.

    The parent is considered as a nagging personality by Amandas of the world when the parent tries hard to make his/her prodigy fit for the society, health and hygiene norms, and disciplined for life. Amanda represents those teens who pay no heed to the words of wisdom from their parents and teachers and live in an imaginary world of a mermaid, a Rapunzel or an orphan where no adult is their to instruct them or be a hindrance in so called immature wirld of freedom without realising that freedom comes with responsibility.

    On the other hand parents are cautioned about the adverse effects of their wistful style of parenting because of a hostile next generation teens or youngsters who tend to withdraw themselves to achieve their ultimate goal to live in a virtually free or reel world rather than living in a real or pragmatic world.

    The central idea of the poem is to make the parents and children think about their obnoxious behaviour which Robin Klein indeed achieves.

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