English Notes Latest Questions

describe the character of gessler brothers with respect to their strengths and failures

describe the character of gessler brothers with respect to their strengths and failures

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    The Gessler Brothers were German shoemakers who valued the quality of the shoes they made. Both brothers were exceptionally good at what they did, creating the best boots in London. Mr. Gessler, the younger of the two brothers, looked like as if made from leather, with his yellow crinkly face, and crinkly reddish hair and beard, and neat folds slanting down his cheeks to the corners of his mouth, and his guttural and one-toned voice. His elder brother was so very much like him, though watery, paler in every way. It was really difficult to differentiate the two brothers. The elder brother died as he was unable to get over the loss of losing one part of their shop. Post his death, it was Mr. Gessler who continued with the work, all by himself, till the very end. Those two brothers, though made the best boots in London and even had the best materials, never advertised and soon lost their customers to big firms. Mr. Gessler would use all the money to buy materials, ignoring hunger and eventually starved himself to death.

    Read summary of Quality

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