English Notes Latest Questions

Write a Explanatory on the Corruption in Macbeth by Shakespeare.

Write a Explanatory on the Corruption in Macbeth by Shakespeare.

1 Answer

  1. Macbeth is a tale of moral corruption and lust for power. In the drama, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth execute a spree of murders to satiate their hunger for kingship.

    They kill the king, his chamberlains, other thanes and their families, small children, helpless widows etc and wreak havoc in the kingdom just to realize their selfish ambition.

    It is this struggle between ambition and morality that is the highlight of the play. Even the witches are symbolized as objects of moral corruption and malice as they encourage murder, chaos and tyranny.

    The whole kingdom is frustrated with the tyranny of King Macbeth and paranoia of his queen and they are baying for a change. The moral restoration is established when the Queen  commits suicide out of guilt and Macbeth is slain in his own castle by revenge seeking Macduff.

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