English Notes Latest Questions

What To Do When You Send an Email to the Wrong Person?

What To Do When You Send an Email to the Wrong Person?

1 Answer

  1. Lucifer
    Best Answer

    You can say,

    1. “Thank you for your time and consideration. I’ve tried to contact you several times, but I’m not sure if you’re the correct person. Could you please let me know who I should be talking to?”
    2. “I hope this email isn’t being sent to the wrong person. Can you let me know who I should be speaking with?”
    3. “I have a question about [insert your topic here]. I was hoping you could help me.”
    4. “Can you please let me know if this email is being sent to the right person?”
    5. “I am trying to contact [name] regarding [insert your topic here]. I was wondering if he/she could help me out.”
    6. “I wanted to reach out to you regarding [insert your topic here]. It is very important that I speak with him/her.”
    7. “I wanted to talk to you about [insert your topic here]. Is there any way I could get in touch with [name]?”
    8. “I am working on a project with [name] and was hoping you could help me.”
    9. “I wanted to reach out to you regarding [insert your topic here].

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