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What is the moral of the story Two Gentlemen of Verona?

What is the moral of the story Two Gentlemen of Verona?

1 Answer

  1. This story is a perfect example of “Where there is a will, there is a way”. We find the two little boys worked hard and lead a laborious life only for their left family member, Lucia. They sold wild strawberries, newspapers, acted as a tourist guides and even worked as shoe shine boys only to earn money so that they can pay for their sister’s treatment.

    They could have gained sympathy from the people around them, but they rejected the idea of begging and accepted the idea of working hard with perseverance. Even in the time of war and weapons where death and hatred were the only scene, these boys did not fail to pick up hope for the sake of his family. Instead of criticizing their fate ,they accepted their lives as a gift of God and rather than complaining about it, they kept their self respect as their top priority and worked hard.

    Two Gentlemen of Verona Summary 12th English

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