English Notes Latest Questions

What are the poetic devices used in the poem Will to Win?

What are the poetic devices used in the poem Will to Win?

1 Answer

    • Alliteration- Use of consonant sound at the start of two words which are close in series Worthless without it. The sound of ‘w’ is repeated. Strength and sagacity. The sound of ‘s’ is repeated. Body or brain. The sound of ‘b’ is repeated. Besiege and beset it. The sound of ‘b’ is repeated.
    • Antithesis- Contrasting or combining two terms. Work day and night. The words ‘day’ and ‘night’ suggest two different ideas.
    • Climax– It is a figure of speech in which successive words or sentences are arranged in ascending order of importance. Give up your time your peace and your sleep– a set of successive words capacity, strength and sagacity, faith, hope and confidence and stern for tenacity, poverty, famish or gout
    • Repetition-If you gladly sweat for, fret for and plan for it and lose all your terror of the opposition for it- the word ‘for’ is repeated, or sickness or pain- the word ‘or’ is repeated.
    • Tautology- It is the use of different words to say the same thing twice in the same statement. Worthless and useless- two different words with the same meaning. poverty, famish or gout, dogged and grim

    Will to Win summary

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