English Notes Latest Questions

What are the poetic devices used in the poem i am offering this?

What are the poetic devices used in the poem i am offering this?

1 Answer

  1. 1. Metaphor and simile: The first two, metaphor and simile, are alike. They contrast two very dissimilar things. Baca compares the poem he is composing to a scarf, a cabin, a present, and a warm garment in the poem.

    2. Alliteration: Words that start with the same letter and are used consecutively or at least closely together are known as alliteration. For example, in line four, the words “comes” and “cover”; in line two of the final stanza, “and all anyone.”

    3. Repetition: In poetry it is the usage of a particular word or phrase again. E.g. “I love you,” which follows each stanza.


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