English Notes Latest Questions

What are the Poetic devices used in the poem Heaven, If You Are Not On Earth?

What are the Poetic devices used in the poem Heaven, If You Are Not On Earth?

1 Answer

    1. Alliteration: The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. For Example, “The nymphs are not elsewhere!”Imagery: Refers to the elements of a poem that engage a reader’s senses. These are the important sights, sounds, feelings, and smells. For example, “The tender sunshine leans on Verdant gardens”
    2. Personification: A poetic device where animals, plants, or even inanimate objects, are given human qualities. For example, “gentle sun”
    3. Repetition: the use of the same word or phrase multiple times. For example,

    “If we ourselves cannot be gods

    Then there can be no gods!”


    Heaven, If You Are Not on Earth Summary

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