English Notes Latest Questions

What are the poetic devices used in the poem For Desire?

What are the poetic devices used in the poem For Desire?

1 Answer

    1. Hyperbole- hyperbole is the use of exaggeration in a poem. In this poem, the poet uses exaggeration when talking about how intensely she wants to experience the physical aspects of her love. Hyperbole is used in the lines “suffer for love until/ it nearly kills me”.
    2. Alliteration – Alliteration is repetition of the same letter or sound in a line. In the poem the poet uses alliteration in the lines “delicious diaspora,” “Swooning and sighing,” “Staggering and flailing”.
    3. Simile- simile is used when the poet directly compares one thing to another by using the words “as” or “like”. In this poem, the poet uses simile in the lines “Swooning and sighing like Victorian girls” and “Like I’m nothing but a broken bit of scratched glass”.
    4. Symbolism- symbolism is when the poet uses words to symbolize a concept, person or idea in a poem. In this poem, the dogs roaming freely to symbolize a longing for unrestrained experiences and the playful interactions associated with freedom. 
    5. Metaphor- metaphor is used when the poet makes an undercut comparison between two things without using the words “like” or “as”. In the, the poet compares her body to “cities and small towns”. She also compares her lover to the “ocean” and her loser to a “broken bit of scratched glass”.
    6. Enjambment – enjambment is when the line is continued onto the next line without any pause. In the poem, the poet uses enjambment to create an internal connection between the concept and the idea presented by the poet.

    For Desire Summary

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