English Notes Latest Questions

What are the poetic devices/figures of speech used in the poem The Wreck of Titanic?

What are the poetic devices/figures of speech used in the poem The Wreck of Titanic?

1 Answer

  1. Metaphor– A metaphor directly refers to one thing by mentioning another. Examples- “A poem of iron and steel”, “A sea dream”, “an ominous form of ghostly white”

    Alliteration- It is the occurrence of the same sound at the beginning of closely connected words. Examples- “Out of Southampton she swung”, “She struck, with a shiver from stem to stern”, “Be British”, “sank from sight”, “sinking ship”, “story shall sound sublime”

    Imagery– Imagery refers to the elements of a poem that engage a reader’s senses. Examples- “The largest, and grandest of all ships”, “Out of the darkness, Out of the night”, “an ominous form of ghostly white”


    The Wreck of Titanic Summary

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