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    The poetic devices which are used in the poem "CHILDHOOD"  is:- personification:- Example:-"It went to some forgotten place". Antithesis:- Example:-"Hell and Heaven". Alliteration:-(it is the occurrence of the same sound at the beginning of closely connected words). Example:- "Hell and Heaven".."WasRead more

    The poetic devices which are used in the poem “CHILDHOOD”  is:-

    1. personification:- Example:-“It went to some forgotten place”.
    2. Antithesis:- Example:-“Hell and Heaven”.
    3. Alliteration:-(it is the occurrence of the same sound at the beginning of closely connected words). Example:- “Hell and Heaven”..”Was it when I found”..”My mind was really mine” “Was that day”…”Whichever Way.”
    4. Repetition:- Example:-“When did my childhood go?..was that the day..(repeated many times)
    5. Enjambment:- Example:-Was it the time I realised that adults were not all they seemed to be, they talked of love but did not act so lovingly, was that the day..!!
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