English Notes Latest Questions

bring out the imagery used in the poem the bird sanctuary.

bring out the imagery used in the poem the bird sanctuary.

1 Answer

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    Imagery refers to figurative language used by the poet to create a picture in our mind. In the poem, the poet uses various types of imagery. e.g.

    1. Visual Imagery: It creates a mental picture. The poet uses visual imagery ample of times, e.g. “gull parades its sea-washed silver”, “The hoopoe and the kingfisher their bronze and sapphire blue”, “silken down and slender banyan twigs”, “the jade-green gipsy parrots”, “red ripe figs”, “sun-ward flight “, “Wild gray pigeons”.
    2. Auditory Imagery: It involves explain things, ideas and actions using sounds. e.g. “quiet garden”, “magic tumult”, “the festival of Dawn”, “carols in richly cadenced rapture”, “lyric throats of amber, of ebony and fawn”.

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