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What are the poetic devices used in the poem Journey to the Interior ?

What are the poetic devices used in the poem Journey to the Interior ?

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    1. Alliteration – Alliteration is repetition of the same letter or sound in a line. In the poem the poet repeats /s/, /p/ and /w/ in the lines “wall, welded”, “point to point”, “square surface”.
    2. Simile- simile is used when the poet directly compares one thing to another by using the words “as” or “like”. In this poem, the poet uses simile in the lines “become/ endless as prairies”, “sodden as a fallen log”, etc.
    3. Repetition- Repetition is a literary device in which a word, phrase, or line is repeated for emphasis or effect. The word “that” is repeated multiple times in the first stanza.
    4. Metaphor- metaphor is used when the poet makes an undercut comparison between two things without using the words “like” or “as”. In the, the poet compares her journey into the hills to a metaphorical journey into the interior of her mind.
    5. Imagery- imagery is the use of words by a poet to paint a picture in the minds of the reader. Imagery can be of various types; tactile, olfactory, auditory, gustatory and visual. The poem uses visual imagery to paint the picture of the landscape.
    6. Enjambment – enjambment is when the line is continued onto the next line without any pause. In the poem, the poet uses enjambment to form an internal connection within the stanzas.

    Journey to the Interior Summary

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