English Notes Latest Questions

  1. Galway Kinnell's fundamental point is that expression of emotions is important. If someone is crying, they should cry all the way out and not hold back their emotions. Once a person has forgotten the reason for his tears, this will eventually result in satisfaction and happiness.   Crying SummaRead more

    Galway Kinnell’s fundamental point is that expression of emotions is important. If someone is crying, they should cry all the way out and not hold back their emotions. Once a person has forgotten the reason for his tears, this will eventually result in satisfaction and happiness.


    Crying Summary

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  1. The poem is divided into four stanzas, each with four lines of very short length. Quatrains are the four lines that make up each stanza. The rhyming scheme is 'abcb'.   Ice-cream Summary

    The poem is divided into four stanzas, each with four lines of very short length. Quatrains are the four lines that make up each stanza. The rhyming scheme is ‘abcb’.


    Ice-cream Summary

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  1. The poet compares the ice cream cart to a bed of rose petals and sweet peas, where children flock in the same way as honey bees swarm around flowers in search of nectar. In the summer, the ice cream vendor brings pleasure and refreshment to everyone.   Ice-cream Man Summary

    The poet compares the ice cream cart to a bed of rose petals and sweet peas, where children flock in the same way as honey bees swarm around flowers in search of nectar. In the summer, the ice cream vendor brings pleasure and refreshment to everyone.


    Ice-cream Man Summary

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  1. 'My Shadow,' by Robert Louis Stevenson, is a three-stanza poem which consist of four lines each. Stevenson has adopted a basic rhyming pattern of 'aabb' for this composition.   My Shadow Summary

    ‘My Shadow,’ by Robert Louis Stevenson, is a three-stanza poem which consist of four lines each. Stevenson has adopted a basic rhyming pattern of ‘aabb’ for this composition.


    My Shadow Summary

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  1. Simile- a figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another thing of a different type. For he sometimes shoots up taller like an India-rubber ball Imagery- Imagery is figurative language that generates a mental image through visual symbols. e.g, One morning, very early, before the sun was uRead more

    1. Simile– a figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another thing of a different type. For he sometimes shoots up taller like an India-rubber ball
    2. Imagery– Imagery is figurative language that generates a mental image through visual symbols. e.g, One morning, very early, before the sun was up. I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup

    My Shadow Summary


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  1. Robert Louis Stevenson's story 'My Shadow' is written from the perspective of a child who is attempting to figure out what his shadow's role is. Because the child has no concept for what a shadow is or what it does, the central component is to comprehend the child's perception of the shadow in a uniRead more

    Robert Louis Stevenson’s story ‘My Shadow’ is written from the perspective of a child who is attempting to figure out what his shadow’s role is. Because the child has no concept for what a shadow is or what it does, the central component is to comprehend the child’s perception of the shadow in a unique way.


    My Shadow Summary

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  1. This answer was edited.

    Synecdoche- It's a figure of speech in which a term for a component of something is used to refer to the entire item, or vice versa. "And we've got our eyes on a common goal". Teamwork Summary

    • Synecdoche- It’s a figure of speech in which a term for a component of something is used to refer to the entire item, or vice versa. “And we’ve got our eyes on a common goal”.

    Teamwork Summary

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  1. The poem's main purpose is to emphasize the value of teamwork and to practice it. The poem serves as a helpful reminder to kids to practice patience, cooperation, and teamwork.   Teamwork Summary

    The poem’s main purpose is to emphasize the value of teamwork and to practice it. The poem serves as a helpful reminder to kids to practice patience, cooperation, and teamwork.


    Teamwork Summary

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