1. Intricate is to straightforward as common is to unusual. Reason - Intricate and straightforward are antonymous, similarly common and unusual are antonymous.

    Intricate is to straightforward as common is to unusual.

    Reason – Intricate and straightforward are antonymous, similarly common and unusual are antonymous.

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  2. Villain is to crime as hero is to justice. Reason - villains commit crimes, similarly heroes brings justice.

    Villain is to crime as hero is to justice.

    Reason – villains commit crimes, similarly heroes brings justice.

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  3. Cover is to reveal as traffic is to stagnation. Reason - cover and reveal are antonymous, similarly traffic and stagnation are antonymous.

    Cover is to reveal as traffic is to stagnation.

    Reason – cover and reveal are antonymous, similarly traffic and stagnation are antonymous.

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  4. Kilometer is to distance as poundal is to force. Reason - kilometer is the unit of distance, similarly poundal is the unit of force.

    Kilometer is to distance as poundal is to force.

    Reason – kilometer is the unit of distance, similarly poundal is the unit of force.

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  5. MAD is to JXA as RUN is to ORK. reason - M is at the 3rd number position after the letter J,  and if we go backward X is at the 3rd number position from A, the letter D is at the 3rd number position after the letter A. Similarly the letter R is at the 3rd number position after the letter O, R is atRead more

    MAD is to JXA as RUN is to ORK.

    reason – M is at the 3rd number position after the letter J,  and if we go backward X is at the 3rd number position from A, the letter D is at the 3rd number position after the letter A. Similarly the letter R is at the 3rd number position after the letter O, R is at 3rd position prior to the letter U and the letter N is at the 3rd after the letter K.

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  6. Crocodile is to reptile as newt is to amphibian. Reason - Crocodile is an animal belonging to the group of reptile, similarly newt is an animal belonging to the group of amphibian.

    Crocodile is to reptile as newt is to amphibian.

    Reason – Crocodile is an animal belonging to the group of reptile, similarly newt is an animal belonging to the group of amphibian.

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  7. This answer was edited.

    Crocodile is to reptile as cow is to mammal. Reason - Crocodile is an animal that belongs to the class of reptile, similarly a cow is an animal that belongs to the species of mammal.

    Crocodile is to reptile as cow is to mammal. Reason – Crocodile is an animal that belongs to the class of reptile, similarly a cow is an animal that belongs to the species of mammal.

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  8. Crocodile is to reptile as tilapia is to fish. reason - Crocodile is an animal of reptile species, and tilapia is a type of fish.

    Crocodile is to reptile as tilapia is to fish.

    reason – Crocodile is an animal of reptile species, and tilapia is a type of fish.

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  9. Cover is to reveal as flag is to neglect. Reason - Cover is the opposite of reveal as neglect is the opposite of flag.

    Cover is to reveal as flag is to neglect.

    Reason – Cover is the opposite of reveal as neglect is the opposite of flag.

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  10. Cover is to reveal as rock is to steady. Reason - reveal is opposite of cover as steady is opposite of rock.

    Cover is to reveal as rock is to steady.

    Reason – reveal is opposite of cover as steady is opposite of rock.

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