English Notes Latest Questions

  1. Lucifer
    Lucifer better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven

    objective is to bias as tentative is to certainty. Reason: objective and bias are antonyms. Similarly, tentative and certainty are antonyms.

    objective is to bias as tentative is to certainty.

    Reason: objective and bias are antonyms. Similarly, tentative and certainty are antonyms.

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  1. Lucifer
    Lucifer better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven
    This answer was edited.

    embarrassed is to humiliated as angry is to agitated (or enraged). Reason: embarrassed and humiliated are synonyms. Similarly, angry and agitated are synonyms.

    embarrassed is to humiliated as angry is to agitated (or enraged).

    Reason: embarrassed and humiliated are synonyms. Similarly, angry and agitated are synonyms.

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  1. Lucifer
    Lucifer better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven

    artist is to painting as member of parliament is to law. Reason: an artist makes painting. Similarly, a member of parliament or senator makes law.

    artist is to painting as member of parliament is to law.

    Reason: an artist makes painting. Similarly, a member of parliament or senator makes law.

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  1. Lucifer
    Lucifer better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven

    hermit is to reclusiveness as artist is to painting. Reason: a hermit lives alone. Similarly, an artist makes painting.

    hermit is to reclusiveness as artist is to painting.

    Reason: a hermit lives alone. Similarly, an artist makes painting.

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