English Notes Latest Questions

  1. There are many images used by the poet A.K. Ramanujan in the poem Obituary: dust on a table of papers: means nothing. named by a toss of coin by him: i.e. the name of young was somewhat similar to poet's father. being the burning type: it means that his father was bad-tempered. eye coins: means thatRead more

    There are many images used by the poet A.K. Ramanujan in the poem Obituary:

    1. dust on a table of papers: means nothing.
    2. named by a toss of coin by him: i.e. the name of young was somewhat similar to poet’s father.
    3. being the burning type: it means that his father was bad-tempered.
    4. eye coinsmeans that his eyes were greedy.
    5. changed motherin Brahmin Society, a widow has to live a painful life as she has no value after the death of her husband.

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