English Notes Latest Questions

  1. This answer was edited.

    Wood is to fire as food is to nutrition. Reason - Wood is used as a fuel for fire. And food is necessary substance for nutrition and nourishment of body.

    Wood is to fire as food is to nutrition.

    Reason – Wood is used as a fuel for fire. And food is necessary substance for nutrition and nourishment of body.

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  1. Wood is to carpenter as clay is to potter. Reason - Carpenters use woods to make furniture similarly potters use clay to create pots, vases, etc.

    Wood is to carpenter as clay is to potter.

    Reason – Carpenters use woods to make furniture similarly potters use clay to create pots, vases, etc.

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  1. Leaf is to flower as twig is to tree. Reason - The leaf is the part of the flower responsible for making food for the process of photosynthesis, similarly a twig is a very small thin branch that grows out from a main branch of a tree or bush that supports structures for leaves, flowers and fruits.

    Leaf is to flower as twig is to tree.

    Reason – The leaf is the part of the flower responsible for making food for the process of photosynthesis, similarly a twig is a very small thin branch that grows out from a main branch of a tree or bush that supports structures for leaves, flowers and fruits.

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  1. Leaf is to twig as finger is to hand. Reason - A twig is a part of a tree which supports the buds and leaves similarly A finger is a limb of the human body , found in the hands of humans.  

    Leaf is to twig as finger is to hand.

    Reason – A twig is a part of a tree which supports the buds and leaves similarly A finger is a limb of the human body , found in the hands of humans.


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  1. Leaf is to tree as petal is to flower. Reason - A leaf is part of a tree that is usually green similarly, . Petals are modified leaves that surround the reproductive parts of flowers.

    Leaf is to tree as petal is to flower.

    Reason – A leaf is part of a tree that is usually green similarly, . Petals are modified leaves that surround the reproductive parts of flowers.

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