English Notes Latest Questions

  1. Alliteration: The repetition of the same letter sound across the start of several words in a line of text. For example, “Everywhere, everything is found” Personification: A poetic device where animals, plants, or even inanimate objects, are given human qualities. For example, “Kissing and talking toRead more

    1. Alliteration: The repetition of the same letter sound across the start of several words in a line of text. For example, “Everywhere, everything is found”
    2. Personification: A poetic device where animals, plants, or even inanimate objects, are given human qualities. For example, “Kissing and talking to the ground.”

    An Earthquake summary

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  1. The vibrations from an earthquake can lead to ground displacement and surface rupture. The surface rupture can cause other hazards, as well as damage to roads and buildings. The damages caused by an earthquake can be severe causing the death of many humans too.   An earthquake summary

    The vibrations from an earthquake can lead to ground displacement and surface rupture. The surface rupture can cause other hazards, as well as damage to roads and buildings. The damages caused by an earthquake can be severe causing the death of many humans too.


    An earthquake summary

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  1. This poem is divided into seven stanzas consisting of four lines each. It follows the rhyme scheme ‘aabb’ in each stanza.   My Furry Friend Summary

    This poem is divided into seven stanzas consisting of four lines each. It follows the rhyme scheme ‘aabb’ in each stanza.


    My Furry Friend Summary

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  1. This answer was edited.

    Eye Rhyme: In order to maintain the rhyme scheme, words that appear to rhyme have been used. Examples would be ‘puppy’, ‘happy’ and ‘fun’, ‘conversation’. Simile: The lines ‘As small as a rat’ and ‘Nibbles like a mouse’ compare the puppy to being a rat and a mouse with the usage of the words ‘as’ anRead more

    1. Eye Rhyme: In order to maintain the rhyme scheme, words that appear to rhyme have been used. Examples would be ‘puppy’, ‘happy’ and ‘fun’, ‘conversation’.
    2. Simile: The lines ‘As small as a rat’ and ‘Nibbles like a mouse’ compare the puppy to being a rat and a mouse with the usage of the words ‘as’ and ‘like’ respectively, making it a simile.
    3. Alliteration: An example would be ‘small in size’.


    My Furry Friend Summary

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  1. The central idea of the poem is the nature of a dog. From being a small puppy to a fully grown dog, the persona traces their pet dog’s habitual traits and characteristics.   My Furry Friend Summary

    The central idea of the poem is the nature of a dog. From being a small puppy to a fully grown dog, the persona traces their pet dog’s habitual traits and characteristics.


    My Furry Friend Summary

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