Repetition- Repetition is the simple repeating of a word, within a short space of words. Eg There chanced to be a Pedlar bold, A Pedlar bold, I’ve several suits of the gay green silks. Alliteration- the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. ERead more
- Repetition- Repetition is the simple repeating of a word, within a short space of words. Eg There chanced to be a Pedlar bold, A Pedlar bold, I’ve several suits of the gay green silks.
- Alliteration– the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. Eg. By chance he met two troublesome men, Two troublesome men they chanced to be, The one of them was bold Robin Hood,
The Bold Pedlar and Robin Hood Summary
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The poem consists of ten quatrains. The rhyme scheme followed is ‘abcb. The Bold Pedlar and robin hood Summary
The poem consists of ten quatrains. The rhyme scheme followed is ‘abcb.
The Bold Pedlar and robin hood Summary
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