The theme of William Shakespeare's Sonnet 65 is the power of poetry to immortalize beauty and protect it against the ravages of time. The poem examines how brief human existence is and how everything eventually deteriorates as a result of time. However, the speaker claims that the beauty of the adorRead more
The theme of William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 65 is the power of poetry to immortalize beauty and protect it against the ravages of time. The poem examines how brief human existence is and how everything eventually deteriorates as a result of time. However, the speaker claims that the beauty of the adored may be maintained and cherished by other generations because of the eternal power of poetry.
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The poem is written in iambic pentameter with regular rhymes, according to the ABAB CDCD EFEF GG pattern. Sonnet 65 Summary
The poem is written in iambic pentameter with regular rhymes, according to the ABAB CDCD EFEF GG pattern.
Sonnet 65 Summary
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