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  1. The speaker has placed his entire faith in the strength of love, believing that nothing can defeat it nor does it fade over time.   Sonnet 116 Summary

    The speaker has placed his entire faith in the strength of love, believing that nothing can defeat it nor does it fade over time.


    Sonnet 116 Summary

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  1. Shakespeare's "Sonnet 116" is an example of a classic sonnet. This signifies that there are fourteen lines altogether, divided into two sets of quatrains and one set of six lines (sestet). They rhyme in the same way as most of Shakespeare's sonnets do i.e ABABCDCDEFEFGG.   Sonnet 116 Summary

    Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 116” is an example of a classic sonnet. This signifies that there are fourteen lines altogether, divided into two sets of quatrains and one set of six lines (sestet). They rhyme in the same way as most of Shakespeare’s sonnets do i.e ABABCDCDEFEFGG.


    Sonnet 116 Summary

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  1. The poet discusses themes of love, challenges and time in this sonnet. It is built on the idea of love and it’s independence from time. The speaker highlights the power of love and how it can survive any hardship.    Sonnet 116 Summary

    The poet discusses themes of love, challenges and time in this sonnet. It is built on the idea of love and it’s independence from time. The speaker highlights the power of love and how it can survive any hardship. 


    Sonnet 116 Summary

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