English Notes Latest Questions

  1. Antithesis- When two opposite ideas are combined to create a contrast. E.g, A distressing gain through loss Simile- A simile is a figure of speech that contrasts two things directly by using comparative phrases like "like," "as," and "so."  She is cool like ice, And still like rock Justice Summary

    1. Antithesis– When two opposite ideas are combined to create a contrast. E.g, A distressing gain through loss
    2. Simile– A simile is a figure of speech that contrasts two things directly by using comparative phrases like “like,” “as,” and “so.”  She is cool like ice, And still like rock

    Justice Summary

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  1. The poet's concerns regarding how justice is handled in society are reflected in the poem. The poet underlines how corrupted and influential people today prey on justice all around the world. He talks about how miserable justice is, now that it has been so severely violated. In this poem, Praveen KuRead more

    The poet’s concerns regarding how justice is handled in society are reflected in the poem. The poet underlines how corrupted and influential people today prey on justice all around the world. He talks about how miserable justice is, now that it has been so severely violated. In this poem, Praveen Kumar condemns the state of the system of justice as it is right now.


    Justice Summary

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