English Notes Latest Questions

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    The poem revolves around the significance of a good book and library. The poem talks about the power a book holds to export the reader to a new world altogether. The main theme of the poem is escapism that the poet finds in a library among books. In a Library Summary

    The poem revolves around the significance of a good book and library. The poem talks about the power a book holds to export the reader to a new world altogether. The main theme of the poem is escapism that the poet finds in a library among books. In a Library Summary

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    The first stanza follows no rhyme scheme but the rest of the quatrains follow the rhyme scheme of ABCB. In a Library Summary

    The first stanza follows no rhyme scheme but the rest of the quatrains follow the rhyme scheme of ABCB. In a Library Summary

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    The poem talks about the opportunity of escape the old books provide for the poet. The poet gets to travel back in time and look at the lives of philosophers, scholars, writers and poets of Ancient Greece. She gets to live their lives, read their works and know about their opinions. The library is lRead more

    The poem talks about the opportunity of escape the old books provide for the poet. The poet gets to travel back in time and look at the lives of philosophers, scholars, writers and poets of Ancient Greece. She gets to live their lives, read their works and know about their opinions. The library is like another world for the poet, where she wants to stay forever. In a Library Summary

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    Personification- personification is when the poet attributes human-like qualities to nonhuman objects. In this poem, the poet personifies the “Antique Book” and gives it human-like qualities of wisdom and knowledge. Alliteration- alliteration is used when there is a repetition of a consonant letterRead more

    • Personification- personification is when the poet attributes human-like qualities to nonhuman objects. In this poem, the poet personifies the “Antique Book” and gives it human-like qualities of wisdom and knowledge.
    • Alliteration– alliteration is used when there is a repetition of a consonant letter or sound in a line. In the poem, the letter /t/ is repeated in the lines “two, to” and “to town”. The poem also repeated the sound /d/ in the line “that Dante deified”.
    • Extended metaphor – extended metaphor is used when there is an elaborate comparison made throughout the poem. In the poem, the poet makes use of an extended metaphor when she compares the “antique book” to a wise old man.
    • Allusion- allusion is when the poet makes references to people, events or texts. In the poem, there is a reference to prominent people in Ancient Greece like Plato, Sophocles, Sappho and Dante.

    In a Library Summary

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