English Notes Latest Questions

  1. Onomatopoeia- A term or phrase that phonetically imitates or mimics the sound it describes. How it clatters along the roofs.        Imagery- Descriptive language that inspires a mental image or other forms of sensory experiences, is referred to as imagery. Like the tramp of hoofs. How it gushes and Read more

    • Onomatopoeia- A term or phrase that phonetically imitates or mimics the sound it describes. How it clatters along the roofs.


    • Imagery- Descriptive language that inspires a mental image or other forms of sensory experiences, is referred to as imagery. Like the tramp of hoofs. How it gushes and struggles out.


    • Exclamation- Exclamation is a figure of speech used to communicate intense feelings such as happiness, anger, or shock. How beautiful is the rain!, From the throat of the overflowing spout!, The rain, the welcome rain!

    Rain in Summer Summary


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  1. The poem's central idea is that once it starts raining after a very hot and exhausting day, everyone appears to appreciate the cool weather and rain. He implies that individuals express gratitude to God for showering his bounties on them.   Rain in Summer Summary

    The poem’s central idea is that once it starts raining after a very hot and exhausting day, everyone appears to appreciate the cool weather and rain. He implies that individuals express gratitude to God for showering his bounties on them.


    Rain in Summer Summary

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