English Notes Latest Questions

  1. The central themes in the poem are of love and patriotism. The persona is sad about the situation, because he is stretched between his love for his country and his lover. The poem also talks about the persona’s guilt. He is guilty because he has committed grave a mistake by loving two things at onceRead more

    The central themes in the poem are of love and patriotism. The persona is sad about the situation, because he is stretched between his love for his country and his lover. The poem also talks about the persona’s guilt. He is guilty because he has committed grave a mistake by loving two things at once, where he can not leave either one.

    It is the Constant Image of your Face Summary

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  1. The poem does not follow any strict rhyming pattern. Though there are rhyming words in the stanzas like “accuses” and “excuses” in stanza 1, and “guilty” and “beauty” and “shame” and “blame” in stanza 2. It is the Constant Image of your Face Summary

    The poem does not follow any strict rhyming pattern. Though there are rhyming words in the stanzas like “accuses” and “excuses” in stanza 1, and “guilty” and “beauty” and “shame” and “blame” in stanza 2.

    It is the Constant Image of your Face Summary

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  1. The central idea of the poem is the delima that the poet persona faces. He feels that he has wronged both his lover, the woman, and his country. This is because he did not want to put anyone above his love for his country but after falling in love with his beloved he is stuck in a sort of love trianRead more

    The central idea of the poem is the delima that the poet persona faces. He feels that he has wronged both his lover, the woman, and his country. This is because he did not want to put anyone above his love for his country but after falling in love with his beloved he is stuck in a sort of love triangle. He loves his beloved and asks for a pardon from his country, his “dearest love”, for doing so.

    It is the Constant Image of your Face Summary

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    Personification- personification is when the Poet uses human-like attributes to nonhuman objects. In this poem, the poet has personified his country and called it his “dearest love”. Oxymoron- oxymoron is used when the poet uses contradictory words together. In the poem, the poet talks about “heart’Read more

    1. Personification– personification is when the Poet uses human-like attributes to nonhuman objects. In this poem, the poet has personified his country and called it his “dearest love”.
    2. Oxymoron– oxymoron is used when the poet uses contradictory words together. In the poem, the poet talks about “heart’s treachery”. Heart is acclimated with love and loyalty.
    3. Metaphor – metaphor is used when the poet makes an indirect comparison between two things without using the words “like” or “as”. In the poem, the poet compares the dangerous and violent world of the persona to a “world of knives”.

    It is the Constant Image of your Face Summary

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