English Notes Latest Questions

  1. The poem revolves around the central theme of relationships, especially those which are distant and emotionally neglectful. The poem tries to teach the women to survive and be happy in a relationship where one partner is emotionally distant. It talks about the negative emotions a woman can feel dueRead more

    The poem revolves around the central theme of relationships, especially those which are distant and emotionally neglectful. The poem tries to teach the women to survive and be happy in a relationship where one partner is emotionally distant. It talks about the negative emotions a woman can feel due to an emotionally neglectful partner. But the poet advises them to adopt a cat. This is advice to women about coping with such negative relationships. The central theme of the poem is to teach women about self-love and learning how to live happily alone and not be to affected by the actions of others.

    Advice to Women Summary

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  1. As the poem is written in free verse form, there is no rhyme scheme that is followed. But it does have some rhyming words like “surprise” and “eyes”. Advice to Women Summary

    As the poem is written in free verse form, there is no rhyme scheme that is followed. But it does have some rhyming words like “surprise” and “eyes”.

    Advice to Women Summary

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  1. The central idea of the poem is to help women deal with feeling distant from their partners in a relationship. It suggests that understanding this "otherness" is crucial. The goal is not just to endure being alone but to learn how to navigate and find strength in solitude. By comparing it to the indRead more

    The central idea of the poem is to help women deal with feeling distant from their partners in a relationship. It suggests that understanding this “otherness” is crucial. The goal is not just to endure being alone but to learn how to navigate and find strength in solitude. By comparing it to the independence of cats, the poem encourages women to embrace self-reliance and acceptance in the face of emotional distance, preparing them to handle both the challenges and solitude that life might bring.

    Advice to Women Summary

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  1. Enjambment - enjambment is when the line is continued onto the next line without any pause. In the poem, the poet uses enjambment to continue on the idea of adopting cats in order to learn how to cope up with feeling like an “other”. The poet has used the enjambment in order to express a transitionRead more

    • Enjambment – enjambment is when the line is continued onto the next line without any pause. In the poem, the poet uses enjambment to continue on the idea of adopting cats in order to learn how to cope up with feeling like an “other”. The poet has used the enjambment in order to express a transition between learning how to take care of a cat and coping with the relationship with a distant partner.
    • Imagery- imagery is the use of words by a poet to paint a picture in the minds of the reader. Imagery can be of various types; tactile, olfactory, auditory, gustatory and visual. The poet here makes use of visual imagery in the lines “That stare of perpetual surprise/ in those great green eyes” presents the image of looking into the green eyes of a cat.
    • Alliteration – Alliteration is repetition of the same letter or sound in a line. In the poem the poet repeats the consonants “C” and “L” in the words “cats” and “cope” and “lovers” and “lovers”.

    Advice to Women Summary

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