English Notes Latest Questions

  1. The poem’s main objective is to raise awareness on the excessive use of plastic, and its impact on the globe. It urges the readers to reduce the use of plastic. The Earth Needs You Summary

    The poem’s main objective is to raise awareness on the excessive use of plastic, and its impact on the globe. It urges the readers to reduce the use of plastic.

    The Earth Needs You Summary

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  1. Alliteration- It is the occurrence of the same sound at the beginning of closely connected words. Examples- “something shining”, “supper somewhere” Personification- Personification is a figure of speech in which an idea or thing is given human attributes and/or feelings or is spoken of as if it wereRead more

    Alliteration– It is the occurrence of the same sound at the beginning of closely connected words. Examples- “something shining”, “supper somewhere”

    Personification– Personification is a figure of speech in which an idea or thing is given human attributes and/or feelings or is spoken of as if it were human. The nightingale and the glow-worm are personified in this poem.

    The Nightingale and the glow-worm Summary

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  1. The main idea of the poem is the way in which all creatures of nature were created to serve their own purpose and add to the beauty of the world. Therefore, they must have mutual respect for each other and learn to coexist for the world to be s harmonious place.   The Nightingale and the glow-wRead more

    The main idea of the poem is the way in which all creatures of nature were created to serve their own purpose and add to the beauty of the world. Therefore, they must have mutual respect for each other and learn to coexist for the world to be s harmonious place.


    The Nightingale and the glow-worm Summary

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  1. The rhyme scheme of the poem is ABABCCDD….. However, the last six lines rhyme differently thus we can say that the poem does not have a fixed rhyme scheme.   There was a naughty Boy Summary

    The rhyme scheme of the poem is ABABCCDD….. However, the last six lines rhyme differently thus we can say that the poem does not have a fixed rhyme scheme.


    There was a naughty Boy Summary

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  1. Similes: A simile is a description that uses “like” or “as” to make a comparison. For example, “The ground was as hard”. The poem is full of similes where many comparisons are drawn between things of one place and another.   There was a naughty boy Summary

    Similes: A simile is a description that uses “like” or “as” to make a comparison. For example, “The ground was as hard”. The poem is full of similes where many comparisons are drawn between things of one place and another.


    There was a naughty boy Summary

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  1. This answer was edited.

    Here the poet John Keats is bringing out the mindset condition of those people who dream about visiting some distant place that they imagine would be different, mesmerizing, dreamy, heaven-like, and so on. And once they reach the place, they feel a sense of disappointment that everything is just theRead more

    Here the poet John Keats is bringing out the mindset condition of those people who dream about visiting some distant place that they imagine would be different, mesmerizing, dreamy, heaven-like, and so on. And once they reach the place, they feel a sense of disappointment that everything is just the same as in the place where they permanently reside and that the new place after all holds no special charm as they imagined while they were reading about it in the books. So some of us are in such a situation at some or other point in our life! So, John Keats is not talking about a naughty boy in his poem. He is talking about the Naughty Boys in us!


    There was a naughty boy summary

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  1. Alliteration: The repetition of the same letter sound across the start of several words in a line of text. For example, “Everywhere, everything is found” Personification: A poetic device where animals, plants, or even inanimate objects, are given human qualities. For example, “Kissing and talking toRead more

    1. Alliteration: The repetition of the same letter sound across the start of several words in a line of text. For example, “Everywhere, everything is found”
    2. Personification: A poetic device where animals, plants, or even inanimate objects, are given human qualities. For example, “Kissing and talking to the ground.”

    An Earthquake summary

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  1. The vibrations from an earthquake can lead to ground displacement and surface rupture. The surface rupture can cause other hazards, as well as damage to roads and buildings. The damages caused by an earthquake can be severe causing the death of many humans too.   An earthquake summary

    The vibrations from an earthquake can lead to ground displacement and surface rupture. The surface rupture can cause other hazards, as well as damage to roads and buildings. The damages caused by an earthquake can be severe causing the death of many humans too.


    An earthquake summary

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