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What are the poetic devices used in the poem The Tale of Custard the Dragon?

What are the poetic devices used in the poem The Tale of Custard the Dragon?

2 Answers

  1. Following poetic or literary devices/figures of speech have been used in the poem The Tale of Custard the Dragon:

    1. Simile: a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind using the words as or like. e.g. “sharp as Mustard”, “as brave as barrel full of bears”, “as brave as a tiger in a rage”, “mouth like fireplace”, “his tale like irons in a dungeon”,
    2. Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. e.g. “daggers on his toes”, “chimney for a nose” etc.
    3. Repetition: a figure of speech that repeats the same words or phrases a few times to make an idea clearer and more memorable. e.g. “little”, “realio trulio”, “nice safe cage”, etc.
    4. Alliteration: the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. e.g.lived in a little”, “now the name”, “dragon wascoward, and she called him Custard”, “Belinda was as brave as barrel full of bears”, “Custard cried for a nice safe cage”, “laughing in the little red wagon”, “she shook the house”, “suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound”, “hheld in his teeth”, “his beard was black”, “one leg was wood” etc.

    Read summary of this poem.

  2. This answer was edited.


    • lived in a little
    • little black kitten and a little
    •  realio, trulio


    With a little black kitten and a little grey mouse, And a little yellow dog and a little red wagon.


    • dog was sharp as mustard,
    • Mouth like a fireplace,
    • as brave as a tiger in a rage,
    • Custard , snorting like an engine,
    • tail like irons in a dungeon,
    • like a Robin at a worm


    • Chimney for a nose


    In this poem, the poet uses the device of personification with respect to Belinda’s kitten, mouse and dog. In the 2nd line of the 5th  stanza, he gives them all the human ability to speak to and tease another being. They are seen teasing the dragon.

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