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salvatore lived a hard life as a fisherman. did his illness stand in his way?

salvatore lived a hard life as a fisherman. did his illness stand in his way?

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    Being a fisherman was indeed hard. And Salvatore’s illness did cause him a lot of additional pain. All through the fishing season towards evening he set out in his boat with one of his brothers for the fishing grounds. It was long pull of six or seven miles, and he spent the night catching the profitable cuttlefish. Then there was the long row back again in order to sell the catch in time to go on the early boat to Naples. At other times, he was working in his vineyard from dawn till the heat drove him to rest and then again till dusk. Often his rheumatism prevented him from doing anything at all and then he would lie about the beach, smoking cigarettes, with a pleasant word for everyone notwithstanding the pain that racked his limbs.

    Read summary of Salvatore

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