English Notes Latest Questions

  1. Alliteration: A couple of examples would be: subtle signals, waft with the wind   2. Metaphor: One noticeable metaphor is: ‘And clouds gathering in the mind shed tears as they pass’ Here ‘clouds’ are used to represent the despair in the persona’s mind.   3. Personification: ‘Moonlight laugRead more

    1. Alliteration:

    A couple of examples would be: subtle signals, waft with the wind


    2. Metaphor:

    One noticeable metaphor is: ‘And clouds gathering in the mind shed tears as they pass

    Here ‘clouds’ are used to represent the despair in the persona’s mind.


    3. Personification:

    Moonlight laughs holding the hem of the moon.’ Here, moonlight ‘laughs’ and is thus personified as it is attributed human qualities.


    An evening wet with rain Summary


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  1. With the exception of the first stanza, every other stanza present in the poem is in the form of a quatrain. This poem is written in free verse, without an apparent rhyme scheme. An Evening wet with rain Summary

    With the exception of the first stanza, every other stanza present in the poem is in the form of a quatrain. This poem is written in free verse, without an apparent rhyme scheme.

    An Evening wet with rain Summary

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  1. The central idea of this poem is solitude. A sense of loneliness can be observed with the persona having only the sky as his equally depressed companion. The overall mood of the poem is glum.   An Evening wet with rain Summary

    The central idea of this poem is solitude. A sense of loneliness can be observed with the persona having only the sky as his equally depressed companion. The overall mood of the poem is glum.


    An Evening wet with rain Summary

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