English Notes Latest Questions

  1. The central idea of the poem stresses on the importance of basing love on beauty that is ever lasting- the spiritual one. This idea is reiterated throughout the poem where physical beauty is shunned and the inner beauty is given predominance.   The True Beauty Summary

    The central idea of the poem stresses on the importance of basing love on beauty that is ever lasting- the spiritual one. This idea is reiterated throughout the poem where physical beauty is shunned and the inner beauty is given predominance.


    The True Beauty Summary

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  1. The poem includes a myriad of poetic devices, some of which are as follows: Simile: ‘star-like eyes’ is a clear example of a simile where eyes are compared to stars with the usage of the word ‘like’. Synecdoche: Phrases such as ‘rosy cheek’, ‘coral lip’, and ‘smooth and steadfast mind’ refer to notRead more

    The poem includes a myriad of poetic devices, some of which are as follows:

    1. Simile: ‘star-like eyes’ is a clear example of a simile where eyes are compared to stars with the usage of the word ‘like’.
    2. Synecdoche: Phrases such as ‘rosy cheek’, ‘coral lip’, and ‘smooth and steadfast mind’ refer to not just parts of the body but the whole, that is, the love of the ‘He’, a woman in this context.
    3. Metaphor: ‘fires’ and ‘flames’ represent desire and passion. Here, it denotes the passion of ‘He’.
    4. Personification: ‘Old time’ is personified. It is shown to decay physical beauty.
    5. Alliteration: One example of alliteration found in the poem is ‘smooth and steadfast mind.’

    The True Beauty Summary

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