English Notes Latest Questions

  1. The precise moment Gorman is reading "The Hill We Climb" is where the poem transpires. She is describing herself reading a poem while attending Joe Biden's inauguration as the 46th president of the United States.  Gorman discusses her experience living in the United States, where she was surroundedRead more

    The precise moment Gorman is reading “The Hill We Climb” is where the poem transpires. She is describing herself reading a poem while attending Joe Biden’s inauguration as the 46th president of the United States.  Gorman discusses her experience living in the United States, where she was surrounded by diverse people and in the midst of a crucial historical period. Gorman’s poem honors the fact that the nation survived this time and now has the chance to turn things around.


    The Hill We Climb Summary

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  1. The Hill We Climb, a 110-line poem by Amanda Gorman, doesn't have a set rhyme scheme or metrical structure.    The Hill We Climb Summary

    The Hill We Climb, a 110-line poem by Amanda Gorman, doesn’t have a set rhyme scheme or metrical structure. 


    The Hill We Climb Summary

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  1. This poem's topics include equality for African Americans, black strength, and faith and prosperity as American values.   The Hill We Climb Summary 

    This poem’s topics include equality for African Americans, black strength, and faith and prosperity as American values.


    The Hill We Climb Summary 

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