English Notes Latest Questions

  1. This poem has a myriad of poetic devices, some of which are as follows: Anaphora: The word ‘where’ is repeated throughout the entirety of the poem for added emphasis.   2. Enjambment: This can be observed when the meaning of the whole poem runs over to the subsequent lines without a break.Read more

    This poem has a myriad of poetic devices, some of which are as follows:

    1. Anaphora:

    The word ‘where’ is repeated throughout the entirety of the poem for added emphasis.


    2. Enjambment:

    This can be observed when the meaning of the whole poem runs over to the subsequent lines without a break.


    3. Metaphor:

    ‘clear stream of reason’

    Here, reasoning is compared to a stream that is clear without ripples.


    4. Alliteration:

    One example that can be found in the poem is ‘dreary desert’.


    My Heaven Summary

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  1. The central idea of the poem revolves around the dream of the persona on their ideal version of freedom. Every line of the poem displays this notion by detailing on the persona’s idea of freedom that he wished and prayed for India to achieve.   My Heaven Summary

    The central idea of the poem revolves around the dream of the persona on their ideal version of freedom. Every line of the poem displays this notion by detailing on the persona’s idea of freedom that he wished and prayed for India to achieve.


    My Heaven Summary

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