English Notes Latest Questions

  1. Simile- A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. Example- “as close to one another as the nail to the flesh” Alliteration- It is the occurrence of the same sound at the beginning of closely connected words. Examples- “division and duality”, “division and disorder”, “vibratinRead more

    1. Simile– A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. Example- “as close to one another as the nail to the flesh”
    2. Alliteration– It is the occurrence of the same sound at the beginning of closely connected words. Examples- “division and duality”, “division and disorder”, “vibrating, your vision”, “while watering”, “ransack and ravage”
    3. Inversion– It is a change in the expected word order. Examples- “Friends and mates who shared your woe, like parts of your own heart/ How could you tear their hearts to pieces, you blood-thirsty man!”, “Your own home you ransack and ravage and tear apart”

    Stars Speak to Man Summary

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  1. As the crown of creation, man's duty is to watch over the bounties of nature and share them equitably. It is a pity that his callousness, insensitivity and avarice are leading him into a state of apathy. Destruction of humanity can be avoided by rekindling love. kindness and the spirit of unity amonRead more

    As the crown of creation, man’s duty is to watch over the bounties of nature and share them equitably. It is a pity that his callousness, insensitivity and avarice are leading him into a state of apathy. Destruction of humanity can be avoided by rekindling love. kindness and the spirit of unity among men before it is too late.


    Stars Speak to Man Summary

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