English Notes Latest Questions

  1. The postmaster didn't want Lencho's faith in God to be affected as he was impressed by Lencho's belief in God. Hence he asked his staff and friends to help him. He also contributed a part of his salary to Lencho. He wanted Lencho to think that God has given money to him.

    The postmaster didn’t want Lencho’s faith in God to be affected as he was impressed by Lencho’s belief in God. Hence he asked his staff and friends to help him. He also contributed a part of his salary to Lencho. He wanted Lencho to think that God has given money to him.

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  1. Lucifer
    Lucifer better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven

    Lencho went to the post office in the town. He placed a stamp on the letter, wrote "To God" on it and dropped into the mailbox.

    Lencho went to the post office in the town. He placed a stamp on the letter, wrote “To God” on it and dropped into the mailbox.

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  1. Lucifer
    Lucifer better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven

    Lencho consoled his family by assuring them that there is still hope from God. He believed that no one will die of hunger as God is always with them and Hi will certainly help them to overcome this disaster.

    Lencho consoled his family by assuring them that there is still hope from God. He believed that no one will die of hunger as God is always with them and Hi will certainly help them to overcome this disaster.

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  1. Lucifer
    Lucifer better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven

    Rain proved to be big disaster for Lencho. He expected that it will make the crops suitable for harvesting. However, the opposite happened. It started hailing and the whole crop was destroyed. Lencho was devastated. He feared that he will have nothing to feed himself as well as his family.

    Rain proved to be big disaster for Lencho. He expected that it will make the crops suitable for harvesting. However, the opposite happened. It started hailing and the whole crop was destroyed. Lencho was devastated. He feared that he will have nothing to feed himself as well as his family.

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  1. Lucifer
    Lucifer better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven

    Lencho was looking at the sky because he was eagerly waiting for the rain to fall. The rain would make the crops suitable for harvesting. He was quite happy.

    Lencho was looking at the sky because he was eagerly waiting for the rain to fall. The rain would make the crops suitable for harvesting. He was quite happy.

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  1. Lucifer
    Best Answer
    Lucifer better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven

    In the morning, Lencho waited eagerly for the rain. His crops were blooming with flowers and he expected that rain will prove beneficial for it. It will make the crops ripe and suitable for harvesting.

    In the morning, Lencho waited eagerly for the rain. His crops were blooming with flowers and he expected that rain will prove beneficial for it. It will make the crops ripe and suitable for harvesting.

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  1. Lencho pleaded in his letter to God, expressing his urgent need for a hundred pesos to sow his fields and sustain his family until the next harvest.

    Lencho pleaded in his letter to God, expressing his urgent need for a hundred pesos to sow his fields and sustain his family until the next harvest.

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  1. Lucifer
    Best Answer
    Lucifer better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven

    Lecho compared the large raindrops with 10 cent coins because he the rain droplets were shining and he imagined them to be like coins that would make him rich.

    Lecho compared the large raindrops with 10 cent coins because he the rain droplets were shining and he imagined them to be like coins that would make him rich.

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