English Notes Latest Questions

  1. The art of writing or solving the codes is called Cryptography. Cryptography consists of two words "Crypto" meaning "secret" and "-graphy" meaning "writing". Hence cryptography means writing codes which are secret and not meant to be read by everybody.  

    The art of writing or solving the codes is called Cryptography. Cryptography consists of two words “Crypto” meaning “secret” and “-graphy” meaning “writing”. Hence cryptography means writing codes which are secret and not meant to be read by everybody.


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  1. A person who does not eat meat is called VEGETARIAN. They eat only vegetarian products. Many countries use green symbols to show it is vegetarian. In India, many people are vegetarian hotel shows the symbol of pure vegetarian.

    A person who does not eat meat is called VEGETARIAN. They eat only vegetarian products. Many countries use green symbols to show it is vegetarian.

    In India, many people are vegetarian hotel shows the symbol of pure vegetarian.

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